AFA Certified Farrier by the
American Farrier's Association
 AFA Member # 7332

Farrier Art   by Chris Minick

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Sole Pressure From An Improperly Fit Natural Balance Shoe

Just 6 days previous to these photos another farrier had fitted this Warmblood mare with Natural Balance shoes.  The inner edge of the shoe is pressing on the sole just over the pedal bone.

The picture below shows the sole bruising caused by the shoe and how low the sole was taken down in that area.  The foot has no concavity to it and is prolapsed toward the ground.

The picture below shows that after just two shoeing periods the sole is further from the ground, and this mare is much more comfortable.

Below:  It is unnecessary to remove any hoof wall from the toe.  The area just above the coronary band (see picture below) on this foot was injured when this mare was young, and hoof growth has been compromised by the resulting damage.  The foot is floated over two-part silicone impression material with a frog support pad which redistributes the weight over the entire foot instead of the just on the perimeter.  This heavy horse is now so comfortable that she now moves like she is "floating on air."  I know--the toes are unbecoming.  But, she doesn't grow much toe, and tends to delaminate in the front.  The shoes need to be backed up without overly thinning out the remaining hoof wall (and making it weak) in an effort to make it more pleasing to the eye.

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